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CSEET exam May 2025 attempt is proposed to 3rd May ,2025.
Date sheet is announced by ICSI on their website.The Institute has decided to conduct November 2023 CSEET Examination through online mode using mobile / laptop / desktop / tab from their home only.The CSEET will be held on quarterly basis as per the indicative schedule and the details of registration window given below:
CSEET Exam | CSEET Registration Dates | CSEET Results | Cut-off date of registration in CS Executive Program |
May | 16th Dec to 15th April | May End | 31st May (for appearing in Dec in same year) |
July | 16th April to 15th June | July End | 31st July (for appearing in Dec in same year) |
Nov | 16th June to 15th Oct | Nov End | 30th Nov (for appearing in June in next year) |
Jan | 16th Oct to 15th Dec | Jan End | 31st January (for appearing in June in next year) |
(updated on 22nd Aug, 2023)
There is no separate exam form to be filled for CSEET exams.
No separate exam form is to be filled so no exam form fees as well. Only Course Registration fees is to be paid at the time of registration
CSEET is a Computer Based Test (CBT) of 120 Minutes duration and is conducted through Remote Proctored mode. The Viva Voce portion stands removed from CSEET exams
Subjects | MCQs (Paper wise) | Maximum Marks |
Business Communication | 35 | 50 Marks (15 MCQs x 2 Marks each) (20 MCQs x 1 Mark each) |
Legal Aptitude and Logical Reasoning | 35 | 50 Marks (15 MCQs x 2 Marks each) (20 MCQs x 1 Mark each) |
Economic and Business Environment | 35 | 50 Marks (15 MCQs x 2 Marks each) (20 MCQs x 1 Mark each) |
Current Affairs & Quantitative Aptitude | 35 | 50 Marks (15 MCQs x 2 Marks each) (20 MCQs x 1 Mark each) |
Total | 140 MCQs | 200 Marks |
Pass Criteria 1 | Pass Criteria 2 | ||
CSEET Exam Passing Criteria | Exam Marks | Minimum Marks | Overall score |
Paper 1 : Business Communication | 50 | 20 | CSEET Student’s total score for all the 4 papers should be more than 100 marks |
Paper 2 : Legal Aptitude and Logical Reasoning | 50 | 20 | |
Paper 3 : Economic and Business Environment | 50 | 20 | |
Paper 4 : Current Affairs & Quantitative Aptitude | 50 | 20 |
The Latest CSEET exam was held in July 2023. ICSI has issued a list of CS students who have cleared CSEET exam.According to other sources, the passing percentage is 69.73%.
Any website/webpage/news article expressing the cseet topper is based on data that they would have collected, and not issued by ICSI.
As we know, CSEET exam is conducted online. So there is very little or no scope of incorrect checking as everything is automated. Hence rechecking or verification of answers is not available for CSEET exams.
S.NO. | Question | Answer |
1 | How the CSEET will be conducted? Will it be conducted from Test Centres or from Home? | CSEET shall be conducted through REMOTE Proctored mode instead of conducting the same from Test Centres. Candidates are allowed to appear for the test through laptop/desktop from home or such other convenient and isolated place. Candidates shall not be allowed to appear through smart phone (mobile)/ tablet, etc. |
2 | Will the Viva Voce be conducted in Remote Proctored Mode as in the case of CSEET conducted from Test Centres? | No. In view of the Remote Proctored mode, the Viva Voce portion stands removed for the First CSEET to be held on 29th August, 2020. The computer based MCQ portion of the test forming part of CSEET shall remain the same as per the existing structure of CSEET. All the four papers will carry 50 marks each. Accordingly, Paper-4 will also carry 50 marks in all, which will contain questions on Current Affairs, Presentation & Communication Skills. |
3 | If I am able to pass CSEET but NOT passed the 10+2 (Senior Secondary Examination), shall I be eligible to seek registration in Executive Programme Stage? | No. Passing of Company Secretary Executive Entrance Test (CSEET) is one of the mandatory conditions for all candidates seeking registration to Executive Programme of Company Secretary Course. Candidates seeking
registration to Executive Programme should fulfill the following eligibility conditions on the date of seeking registration:
4 | If I pass CSEET, what will be validity of CSEET Result? | The CSEET Result will be valid for a period of one year from the date of declaration of result. After expiry of the validity of CSEET Result, candidates will have to reappear and pass the CSEET if they are desirous for seeking registration to Executive Programme. |
5 | What original documents I am required to keep handy for appearing in CSEET through Remote Proctored Mode? | Candidates should keep with them
6 | What will happen if I try to login after completion of 15 minutes of the scheduled time of commence of Test? | Candidates are required to login to the Test portal 15 (fifteen) minutes before the time specified for the commencement of Test. No candidate shall be allowed to login for appearing in the Test after completion of 15 minutes of the commencement of Test. |
7 | Can I finish the Test before completion of the scheduled time of 2 hours? | No candidate shall be permitted to finish the Test until the expiry of 90 minutes of the commencement of the test. |
8 | What is the passing criteria? | Candidates are required to secure a minimum of 40% marks in each part, i.e., Paper-1, Paper-2, Paper-3 and Paper-4 separately as the case may be, and 50% marks in aggregate of all papers put together for passing the Test. |
9 | Will there be any negative marking? | There will be no negative marking for wrong answers. |
10 | Which are the items that are prohibited during the CSEET ? | No candidate shall be allowed to keep with him/her any Book, Study Material, Handwritten or Printed Notes, Mobile Phone, Headphone, Earphone, Pager, Digital Diary, Calculator, Blue Tooth device, Laptop, Palmtop, Smart Watch, Health Band or any other electronic device or gadget. Candidates are also not allowed to use Pen/ Pencil and Paper for the Test. No person, other than the bonafide candidate, shall be present for the test. Candidate should not converse to any one during the test or read questions / answers aloud. |
11 | Can a candidate use sheet / blank paper for rough work during the Test? | No paper, note book, etc is allowed during the Test. |
12 | Kindly inform the technical requirements to be arranged at my end for appearing in the examination ? | Candidate has to ensure that following technical requirements are available at his Desktop /Laptop (mobile/ tablet is not allowed) for appearing in CSEET:
13 | Shall I be allowed additional time if there are disruptions due to power failure or network related issues during the course of the test? | Candidates shall be allowed a maximum additional time of 15 Minutes to compensate the time loss if there are disruptions due to power failure or network related issues with the permission of live proctors. It is recommended that the Candidates shall fully charge their laptop or UPS attached to their desktops beforehand |
14 | What will be the process to be followed before appearing in the CSEET? | The candidates appearing in CSEET shall be remotely proctored, from the control room of the Institute, as per details given below:
Level 1 : Capture of facial photo. During the Test, the AI tool constantly monitors the picture of the candidate taking the Test with the facial photo captured initially for any mismatch. In case of any mismatch, the system will capture the anomaly and notification to candidate / live proctor is also instantly displayed. Level 2 : Candidate will need to display Admit Card and Valid ID Proof (PAN / Aadhar / Any other valid Govt. Approved ID) in orginal. Proctor will instruct the candidate to display the Admit Card / ID after the logging in to the Test. |
15 | I am a person wearing spectacle, but in Admit Card photo is without spectacles. Will there be a problem in taking the Test? | The facial mismatch is done by capturing the photo live at the commencement of the test and system will capture both the images for record. |
16 | Which actions of the candidates shall be considered as violation of rules against which Live Proctors are empowered to take action ? | If candidate is violating any rules during the test or trying to adopt any unfair means, the system will automatically collect data based on the following parameters and will immediately alert the online live proctor:
17 | How the Live Proctors shall be controlling the conduct of CSEET? | There shall be Live proctors. A session that is in progress, shall be watched online:
18 | If any candidate wants to chat to live proctor, how to proceed. | The candidate can wave his/her hand in front of Camera / Webcamera. |
19 | Where I can contact in case of technical issues before the commencement of the Test? | In case of any technical issues during the Test process, candidates can reach out to Help Desk Number : 9513850016, 9513850025 to resolve their issues. Helpline will be operation from 22nd August 2020. |
20 | What will happen if there are disruptions during the course of the Test? | The issues faced by candidates during the test, viz. No network connection, network disconnection due to Wifi disabled, no internet connectivity, Power cut, etc. In such a scenario, the candidate will be allowed
to login again and continue from the last question attempted. Remote proctor shall keep tab on such instances.
Candidates shall be allowed a maximum additional time of 15 Minutes to compensate the time loss if there are disruptions due to power failure or network related issues with the permission of live proctors. |
21 | Will there be a Mock Test before the CSEET? | Candidates may attempt a mock test of around 1 hour. Mock test for August, 2020 Session is proposed to be held on Saturday, 22nd August 2020. The mock test will be conducted for candidates to familiarize themselves with the remote proctoring process. Detailed information about appearing in the mock test shall be sent to candidates separately. |
22 | What is the process to be followed by the candidates after login but before attempting the Test? |
23 | Shall I be allowed to attempt the questions in any sequence/ order? | Yes. Students may attempt the questions in any sequence/ order. |
24 | Kindly let me know the method of taking the test in detail? | The navigational instructions shall be as under:
25 | What are the precautions to be taken by the candidates while attempting the Test? |
26 | What will be Login credentials (Login & Password) for Mock Test? | There will be Generic Login ID and Password for all the students and students can login for the Mock Test as per their batch time |
27 | Can I use mobile hot spot for internet? | Yes, if requisite speed is available. (Min 512 Mb, preferred 1-2 GB). Mobile shall be kept out of your reach during the test. |
28 | Can I use mobile or Tablet for the Test? | Can I use mobile or Tablet for the Test? |
29 | Which are the preferred browsers to be used? | Chrome – Download latest from https://www.google.com/intl/en_in/chrome/ |
30 | How do we know that my Desktop or Laptop meeting the system requirement for CSEET? | Mock test is intended to familiarize students to the test environment and also validate the compatibility of the hardware. If a student encounters any technical issue, can contact technical support notified on the email sent to all the candidates and in the admit card (All Working Days from 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM, excluding Sunday). |
31 | Can a candidate login before or after Start time? | Candidates are advised to login 15 minutes before start time to go through Instructions Page. But s/he will be only allowed to start the Test at the exact time of Batch Start Time. Candidates will be not allowed to login after 15 minutes of the Start of the Test (Example -Login is not allowed after 10.15 AM for batch Time- 10AM to 12 PM). |
32 | What to do if candidate’s system got crashed or interrupted in between in between the Test? | After starting the Test, in case a student gets Genuine Disconnection from Server due to Power or Internet failure, in such case he/ she is able to login again after 2-3 minutes, the examination shall be resumed from the Instance of the Time of Disconnection. All his/ her previously attempted answers will remain save and he/ she can resume attempting further. Note: - Exam will start from the time and Question where it is ended and clock will continue till the prescribed time. |
33 | What to do if candidate’s system got crashed or interrupted in one device? Can the candidate login from another device? | Yes, after starting the Test, in case a student gets Genuine Disconnection from Server due to Power or Internet failure, in such case he/ she is able to login again after 2-3 minutes from another device. The server will allow only one device for the Test at a time. |
34 | Invalid Login ID and Password error reported while logging in? | Please cross check Login ID and Password, you are entering correct details. Please check the case sensitivity in keyboard and if still facing same issue please call technical support team at the helpline numbers. |
35 | I am not allowed to start the Test while logging in? | Check for Internet Connectivity. Please check your Batch Schedule for your respective subjects in Email or Admit card to ensure you are Logging in to correct batch time. If problem still persists, please call technical support team at the helpline numbers. |
36 | My Test Page shows error message- “Question Paper is downloading” or” Contact Test Center Administrator”. What to do? | Check for Internet Connectivity. Logout and Login after 2-3 minutes with proper Internet Connectivity. If problem still persists, please call technical support team at the helpline numbers. |
37 | How will we come to know which are the questions left unanswered? | There will be a panel left side on computer screen showing all the question numbers in different colour which will indicate the questions Answered, left unanswered or marked for review. |
38 | Can the candidates change their Answers? | Yes, during the exam any time candidates can change their answers. |
39 | How to submit the test? | “END Test” button to end the Test will appear in the last question only. By clicking the end test button candidate can submit the test. The End Test Button will appear only after 90 minutes of commencement of the Test. |
40 | How to contact ICSI for support and assistance related to the Test? | A Candidate can register their queries with the ICSI or can also contact helpline number on all working Days, from 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM excluding Sunday. |
41 | What are the precautionary measures to be taken for power Failure/Laptop Battery discharge? | As the test duration is 2 Hours and one should have sufficient power backup/ charge in the Laptop/ Desktop/ etc. to run for 2 hours’ duration. It is advisable to fully charge the UPS/ Battery of Laptop/ Desktop etc. well in advance. One should also get such device connected to Power while appearing the Exams, so that there shall not be any failure/disruption of power during test. |
42 | During the exam, can a candidate take assistance from live proctor, in case of any need? | If any candidate is facing any technical issue, only such queries are to be asked from live proctor.
If any candidate is having any issue regarding question paper, such queries are not to be asked from live proctor. Candidates are advised to send such queries/concerns, after the test is over, to Joint Secretary, Directorate of Examinations, ICSI at exam@icsi.edu for consideration. |
43 | How to contact help desk / live proctor, if any candidate is facing any issue/problem while appearing in the test? | Till the candidate is not logged in, he/she can use phone/mobile to contact helpdesk for resolving the technical queries and assistance for login.
After login and test process has commenced then candidates cannot use phone/mobile. During the test process, candidates should use only chat box or built-in mic of system to contact the live proctor for any assistance. The candidate can also wave his/her hand before web camera. USE OF MOBILE PHONE AND ELECTRONIC GADGETS DURING THE TEST IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED. |
44 | What should be attire of candidates appearing in test? | It should be decent and presentable. Candidates should wear such clothes presuming as if they are physically sitting in Exam center and appearing for the test. Candidates are advised to sit properly and comfortably on table/chair in right posture to appear in test. They should not lie-down on bed or do not sit in awkward positions. |
45 | What should be setting in the room from where candidate is appearing for the test? | Setting of room should be maintained in exam like environment, disciplined and without any disturbances. Surroundings of room should be neat & clean. During the exam, live proctor may ask the candidate to show the 360 degree view of the room. |
46 | What is 360 degree view? | All around rotating the Camera for taking picture / view of the surrounding of the candidate where he /she is appearing for the Test. |
47 | At this time, if any candidate does not have microphone for the Test, can he/she use bluetooth headset? | No. All Software and Hardware requirements as prescribed are to be arranged well in advance for the Test. |
48 | Whether drinking water is allowed during the Test | The Candidates can keep drinking water in transparent bottle during the Test. |
49 | Is bio break ( use of Toilet) allowed during the Test? | The candidates will not be allowed to take bio-break ( use of Toilet) during the test. If any candidate takes any break during the test, will be treated as resorting to unfair means. |
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