ca inter suggested answers | Nov 23 FME Paper

  • Team Koncept
  • 7 December, 2023
ca inter suggested answers | Nov 23 FME Paper

ca inter suggested answers | Nov 23 FME Paper

ca inter nov 23 suggested answers | FME Paper

Table of Content

  1. Q 1 (A) : You are available with following information of Brave Ltd....
  2. Q 1 (B) : The following details of Shiva Ltd. for the year ended 31st...
  3. Q 1 (C) : (i) EPS ofa company is ₹ 60 and Dividend payout ratio is 60%...
  4. Q 1 (D) : X Ltd. has furnished following cost sheet of per unit cost ;..
  5. Q 2 : The data of K Textiles Ltd. are given as follows : ... 
  6. Q 3 : ABC Ltd. is considering to purchase a machine which is priced...
  7. Q 4 : Z Ltd. wishes to raise additional fund of ₹ 25,00,000 for meeting... 
  8. Q 5 (A) : BSB Ltd. is considering its new project with the following : ..
  9. Q 5 (B) : INFO Ltd is a listed corpany having share capital of ₹ 2400...        
  10. Q 6 (A) : Write the main features of Bulldog Bond.
  11. Q 6 (B) : What do you understand by Spontaneous Sources of finance..
  12. Q 6 (C) : What are the causes of over-capitalization ?                                    OR               
  13. Q 6 (C) : What are disadvantages of Profit Maximization ? 
  14. Q 7 (A) : Following information relating to a particular financial... 
  15. Q 7 (B) : Discuss with example direct quote and indirect quote. 
  16. Q 7 (C) : Explain the three aspects of fiscal function in an economy.
  17. Q 7 (D) : Compute NM1 and NM2 from the following data relating to...
  18. Q 8 (A) : (i) "Tariffs are price related instruments of trade policy that ...
  19. Q 8 (B) : (i) 1. ‘The balanced budget multiplier is always equal to 1'...       
  20. Q 9 (A) : (i) “Cash Reserve Ratio (CRR) has to be maintained by...
  21. Q 9 (B) : (i) List the problems involved in administrating an efficient...
  22. Q 10 (A) : (i) The table shows the number of labour hours required to...
  23. Q 10 (B) : (i) Calculate NNPFC by expenditure method with the help...
  24. Q 11 (A) : (i) “Dumping is an international price discrimination...
  25. Q 11 (B) : (i) What are the main components of equilibrium income in...

Section - (A)

Question 1 : (A)

You are available with following information of Brave Ltd.

Debtor’s velocity   3 months
Stock velocity   6 months
Creditor’s velocity  2 months
Gross profit ratio  20%

The gross profit for the year ended 31st March, 2023 was ₹ 10,00,000. Stock for the same period was ₹ 40,000 more than what it was at the beginning of the year. Bills receivable were ₹ 1,20,000

From the above information, you are required to calculate :  

(i) Sales

(i) Sundry debtors

(iii) Closing stock

Answer 1 : (A)

Question 1 : (B)

The following details of Shiva Ltd. for the year ended 31st March, 2023 are given below :

Operating Leverage 1.4
Combified Leverage 2.8
Fixed Cost (Excluding Interest)  ₹ 2.04 lakhs
Sales ₹ 30 lakhs 
12% Debentures of ₹ 10 each  ₹ 21.25 lakhs 
Equity Share Capital of ₹ 10 each  ₹ 17.00 lakhs
Income Tax Rate  30%

Required :  

(i) Calculate P/V ratio and Earning Per Share (EPS)

(ii) If the company belongs to an industry, whose assets turnover is 1.5, does it have a high or low assets turnover ?

(iii) Financial Leverage 

Answer 1 : (B)

Question 1 : (C)

(i) EPS ofa company is ₹ 60 and Dividend payout ratio is 60%. Multiplier is 5. Determine price per share as per Graham & Dodd model. 

(ii) Last year’s dividend is ₹ 6.34, adjustment factor is 45%, target payout ratio is 60% and current year’s EPS is ₹ 12. Compute current’s year’s dividend using Linter’s model.  

Answer 1 : (C)

Question 1 : (D)

X Ltd. has furnished following cost sheet of per unit cost ;

Raw material cost  ₹ 150 
Direct labour cost  ₹ 40  
Overhead cost 60
Total Cost ₹ 250
Profit  50
Selling Price ₹ 300

The company keeps raw material in stock on an average for 2 months; work in progress on an average for 3 months and finished goods in stock on an average 1 month. The credit allowed by suppliers is 1.5 months and company allows 2 months credit to its debtors. The lag in payment of wages is 1 month and lag in payment of overhead expenses is 1.5 months. The company sells 25% of the output against cash and maintain cash in hand at bank put together at ₹ 1,50,000. Production is carried on evenly throughout the year and wages and overheads also similarly. Work in progress stock is 75% complete in all respects. Prepare statement showing estimate of working capital requirements to finance an activity level of 15,000 units of production,

Answer 1 : (D)



Question 2 : 

The data of K Textiles Ltd. are given as follows : 

Particulars Amount(₹)
Profit Before Interest and Tax  50,00,000  
Less: Interest on debentures @ 10%  10,00,000 
Profit before tax 40,00,000 
Less: Income tax @ 50% 20,00,000  
Profit after tax 20,00,000 
No. of equity shares (₹ 10 each) 10,00,000 
EPS  2
PE Ratio  10
Market price per share  20

The Company is planning to start a new project needs to be having a total capital outlay of ₹ 40,00,000. You are informed that debt equity ratio [D/D+E] higher than 36% pushes the Ke (cost of equity) up to 12.5%, means reducing the PE ratio to 8 and rises the interest rate on additional amount borrowed to 12%. Retained earnings of the company is ₹ 1.4 crores. Find out the probable price of share if : 

  • The additional funds are raised as a loan.
  • The amount is raised by issuing equity shares. 

Answer 2 :


Question 3 :

ABC Ltd. is considering to purchase a machine which is priced at ₹ 5,00,000.The estimated life of machine is 5 years and has an expected salvage value of ₹ 45,000 at the end of 5 years. It is expected to generate revenues of ₹ 1,50,000 per annum for five years. The annual operating cost of the machine is ₹ 28,125, Corporate Tax Rate is 20% and the cost of capital is 10%. You are required to analyse whether it would be profitable for the company to purchase the machine by using;

(i) Payback period Method

(ii) Net Present value method

(iii) Profitability Index Method 

Answer 3 :


Question 4 :

Z Ltd. wishes to raise additional fund of ₹ 25,00,000 for meeting its investment plan. It has ₹ 5,25,000 in the form of retained earnings available  for investment purposes. Further details are as following :

Combination of debt and equity 2:3 
Cost of debt:  
Upto ₹ 2,50,000  8% (before tax)
Above ₹ 2,50,000 and to upto ₹ 5,00,000  10% (before tax) 
Beyond ₹ 5,00,000  12% (after tax)
Earning of company  ₹ 50,00,000
Retention Ratio 40%
Expected growth of dividend  15% 
Market price per share  ₹ 500 
Number of outstanding equity shares  1,00,000 
Tax Rate  30%  

 You are required to calculate :

i. Cost of debt

ii. Cost of retained earnings and cost of equity

iii. Weighted average cost of capital

Answer 4 :



Question 5 : (A)

BSB Ltd. is considering its new project with the following details : 

Sr.No. Particulars Amount
1 Initial capital cost  5,00,00,000 
2 Annual unit sales  6,00,000 
3 Selling price per unit (in ₹)  120 
4 Variable cost per unit (in ₹)  80
5 Fixed costs per year  36,00,000
6 Discount Rate  10%

Required : 

a. To advise the company whether to invest in the new pfoject or not based on the NPV concept. 

b.Compute the impact on the project’s NPV considering a 1% adverse variance in each variable. Which variable is having minimum effect ?

Consider Life of the project as 3 years. 

Year  1 2 3
PVF @ 10%  0.909 0.826 0.751
PVF @ 11%  0.901  0.812 0.731

Answer 5 : (A)



Question 5 : (B)

INFO Ltd is a listed corpany having share capital of ₹ 2400 Crores of ₹ 5 each.

During the year 2022-23 

Dividend distributed 1000%
Expected Annual growth rate in dividend  14%
Expected rate of return on its equity capital 18% 

(a) Calculate price of share applying Gordon’s growth Model.

(b) What will be the price of share if the Annual growth rate in dividend is only 10% ?

(c) According to Gordon’s growth Model, if Internal Rate of Return is 25%, than what should be the optimum dividend payout ratio in case of growing stage of company ? Comment.

Answer 5 : (B)

ca inter suggested answer nov2023 fme

Question 6 : (A)

Write the main features of Bulldog Bond.

Answer 6 : (A)

ca inter nov 2023 suggested answer fme

Question 6 : (B)

What do you understand by Spontaneous Sources of finance and explain its sources of finance ?

Answer 6 : (B)

ca inter nov 2023 suggested answer 2023

Question 6 : (C)

What are the causes of over-capitalization ? 

Answer 6 : (C)

ca inter nov 2023 suggested answer fme


Question 6 : (C)

What are disadvantages of Profit Maximization ? 

Answer 6 : (C)

ca inter nov 2023 suggested answer fme


Section - B

Question 7 : (A)

Following information relating to a particular financial year is given below : 

Particulars Amount (₹ in Crore)
Gross Domestic Product at Market Price (GDPMP) 3,500
Gross National Product at Market Price (GNPMP 3,200
Gross Domestic Product at Factor Cost (GDPFC 3,000
Net National Product at Market Price (NNPMP 2,800
Indirect Tax 700

You are required to calculate :

(i) Net Factor Income from Abroad (NFIA).

(ii) Consumption of fixed capital. .

(iii) Amount of subsidies. 

Answer 7 : (A)



Question 7 : (B)

Discuss with example direct quote and indirect quote. 

Answer 7 : (B)



Question 7 : (C)

Explain the three aspects of fiscal function in an economy.

Answer 7 : (C)



Question 7 : (D)

Compute NM1 and NM2 from the following data relating to 31 March 2023:

Particulars ₹ in Crores
Currency with the public 1,000
Demand deposits with the banking system  2,235
Other deposits with the RBI  1,139
Short term time deposits of residents  276

Answer 7 : (D)



Question 8 : (A)

(i) "Tariffs are price related instruments of trade policy that governments use to restrict imports and/or encourage exports,” Explain.

(ii) Calculate Sales from the following data :

Particulars  ₹ in Lakhs 
Closing stock  500
Opening stock  200
Subsidies  180
Intermediate consumption  1,500
Consumption of fixed capital  350
Net value added at factor cost  2000

Answer 8 : (A)



Question 8 : (B)

(i) 1. ‘The balanced budget multiplier is always equal to 1' Give Public finance your comments. Assume that MPC is equal to 0.8, answer the following :

2. What s the value of spending multiplier ?

3. What is the value of tax multiplier ? 

(ii) How does the Reserve Bank of India control liquidity through Open Market Operations (OMO) ? 

Answer 8 : (B)



Question 9 : (A)

(i) “Cash Reserve Ratio (CRR) has to be maintained by banks as cash with the RBI, while Statutory Liquidity Ratio (SLR) requires holding assets by the bank itself.” Do you agree with this statement ? Explain. 

(ii) The table below shows Nominal GDP and Real GDP of the country in 2 financial years.

  Amount(₹ in Crores)
Financial Years (FY)   Nominal GDP  Real GDP
2020-21 1550 1190
2021-22 1700 1240

Calculate Inflation rate (upto two decimal) in FY 2021-2022. 

Answer 9 : (A)


Question 9 : (B)

(i) List the problems involved in administrating an efficient pollution tax. 

(ii) Briefly discuss the National Treatment Principle (NTP) as one of the major guiding principles of WTO. 

Answer 9 : (B)



Question 10 : (A)

(i) The table shows the number of labour hours required to produce Intemationalirade Shirt and Trouser in two Countries X and Y.  

Country  1 Unit of Shirt 1 unit of Trouser 
X 3.5 Hours  5 Hours 
Y 4 Hours  8 Hours 

In the absence of trade :  

1.Compute the Opportunity cost in respect of both commodities in both countries.

2.Which country has comparative advantage in producing Shirts ?

3. Which country has comparative advantage in producing Trousers ? 

(ii) Explain the Transactions Motive for holding cash.

Answer 10 : (A)



Question 10 : (B)

(i) Calculate NNPFC by expenditure method with the help of the following information : 

Item ₹ in crores
Private final consumption expenditure  12
Net Import  19
Public final consumption expenditure  06
Gross Domestic Fixed Capital Formation 360
Depreciation  35
Subsidy 120
Income Paid to Abroad  17
Change in Stock  40
Net Acquisition of Valuables  15

(ii) Discuss briefly the concept of Common Access Resources. 

Answer 10 : (B)



Question 11 : (A)

(i) “Dumping is an international price discrimination favouring buyers of exports against which the domestic government levies a protectionist tariff.” Analyse and explain the statement. 

(ii) Compute credit multiplier if the required reserve ratio is 12% and 15% for every % 1,50,000 deposited in the banking system. What will be the total credit money created by the banking system in each case ? 

Answer 11 : (A)



Question 11 : (B)

(i) What are the main components of equilibrium income in a four sector model ? 

(ii) Define the term market failure and name ‘the four reasons for market failure situation.    OR

(ii) Briefly state the different modes of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI). 

Answer 11 : (B)


Ruchika Saboo An All India Ranker (AIR 7 - CA Finals, AIR 43 - CA Inter), she is one of those teachers who just loved studying as a student. Aims to bring the same drive in her students.

Ruchika Ma'am has been a meritorious student throughout her student life. She is one of those who did not study from exam point of view or out of fear but because of the fact that she JUST LOVED STUDYING. When she says - love what you study, it has a deeper meaning.

She believes - "When you study, you get wise, you obtain knowledge. A knowledge that helps you in real life, in solving problems, finding opportunities. Implement what you study". She has a huge affinity for the Law Subject in particular and always encourages student to - "STUDY FROM THE BARE ACT, MAKE YOUR OWN INTERPRETATIONS". A rare practice that you will find in her video lectures as well.

She specializes in theory subjects - Law and Auditing.

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Yashvardhan Saboo A Story teller, passionate for simplifying complexities, techie. Perfectionist by heart, he is the founder of - Konceptca.

Yash Sir (As students call him fondly) is not a teacher per se. He is a story teller who specializes in simplifying things, connecting the dots and building a story behind everything he teaches. A firm believer of Real Teaching, according to him - "Real Teaching is not teaching standard methods but giving the power to students to develop his own methods".

He cleared his CA Finals in May 2011 and has been into teaching since. He started teaching CA, CS, 11th, 12th, B.Com, M.Com students in an offline mode until 2016 when Konceptca was launched. One of the pioneers in Online Education, he believes in providing a learning experience which is NEAT, SMOOTH and AFFORDABLE.

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