Amalgamation, Conversion, Sale of Partnership Firm

  • By Team Koncept
  • 15 October, 2024
Amalgamation, Conversion, Sale of Partnership Firm

Amalgamation, Conversion, Sale of Partnership Firm

Amalgamation, Conversion, Sale of Partnership Firm

Table of contents

Amalgamation, Conversion, Sale of Partnership Firm - 4

Amalgamation of Partnership Firms

 As defined earlier, a Partnership firm is formed with two or more persons. But it can also be formed in any of the following ways.

(A) When two or more sole proprietors forms new partnership firm;

(B) When  one  existing  partnership  firm  absorbs  a  sole  proprietorship;

(C) When  one  existing  partnership  firm  absorbs  another  partnership  firm;</p

(D) When two or more partnership firms form new partnership firm.

The amalgamation is used to be done to avoid competition amongst them and to maximize the profit of the firm/firms.

Accounting entries  under different  situation  are  in  below:

(A) When two or more sole proprietors form a new partnership firm

When  two  or  more  sole  proprietorship  businesses  amalgamate to  form  a  new  partnership  firm,  the existing sets of books will be closed and a new set of books of accounts to be opened, recording all assets, liabilities  and  transactions  of  the  partnership.

Steps to be taken for the existing books.

Step 1 : Prepare the Balance Sheet of the business on the date of dissolution.

Step 2 : Open a Realisation Account and transfer all   assets and liabilities, except cash in hand and cash at bank, at their book values.

However, cash in  hand and cash at  bank  are  transferred to  Realisation Account only  when  they  are taken over by the new firm.

Step 3 : All undistributed reserves or profits or losses (appearing in the balance sheet) are to be transferred to Partners’ Capital  Accounts.

Step 4 : Calculate  Purchase Consideration on the  basis of terms and conditions agreed  upon  by  the parties. Generally, purchase consideration is calculated on the basis of agreed value of assets and liabilities taken over by the new firm. The purchase consideration is calculated as under:

Agreed values of assets taken over    xxxx 

Less: Agreed values of liabilities assumed  (xxx)

Purchase consideration   xxxx

Step 5 : Credit  Realisation Account by  the  amount of  Purchase Consideration.

Step 6 : If there are any unrecorded assets or liabilities, they are to be recorded.

Step 7 : The Profit or loss on relisation (balancing figure of Realisation Account) to be transferred to the Capital Account of the proprietor.

Step 8 : To ensure that all the accounts of the Sole Proprietor’s business are closed

Amalgamation, Conversion, Sale of Partnership Firm - 4

Accounting Entries in the Books of Amalgamating Sole Proprietors 

1. For transferring sundry assets to Realisation Account

Realisation  A/c 
   To, Sundry Assets A/c  (Assets transferred to  Realisation Account at  their  book values except Cash and Bank i.e. if not taken over by the new firm)

 2. For  transferring  sundry  liabilities  to  Realisation  Account 

Liabilities A/c 
   To, Realisation A/c (Liabilities  transferred to  Realisation Account at  their  book  values)

3. For the amount of purchase consideration

New Firm A/c 
   To, Realisation A/c (Purchase consideration due from the new firm)

 4. For assets taken over by the proprietor

Capital A/c 
   To, Realisation A/c (Assets taken over by the proprietor)

 5. For realisation of assets not taken over by the new firm

   To, Realisation A/c  (Realisation of assets not taken over by the new firm)

 6. For  recording of unrecorded assets

   To, CapitalA/c (Unrecorded  assets are recorded)

 7. For realisation of unrecorded assets

Bank A/c 
   To, Assets A/c (Realisation  of  unrecorded  assets)

(Note: If unrecorded assets are taken over by the new firm,  it is also transferred to Realisation Account along with other assets.)

 8. For payment of liabilities not taken over

Realisation A/c 
   To, Bank A/c (Payment of liabilities not taken overby the new firm)

 9. For  recording of unrecorded  liabilities

Capital A/c 
   To, Liabilities A/c (Being  the  unrecorded liabilities are recorded)

 10. For  payment  of  unrecorded liabilities

Liabilities A/c 
   To, Bank A/c  (Payment  of  unrecorded liabilities)

(Note : If unrecorded liabilities are taken over by the new firm, it is also transferred to  Realisation  Account  along  with  other  liabilities.) 11. For liabilities taken over by the proprietor

Realisation A/c 
   To, Capital A/c  (Being  liabilities  assumed by  the  proprietor

 12. For  realisation  expenses

Realisation A/c 
   To, Bank A/c (Realisation  expenses  paid)

 13. For  profit  on realisation

Realisation A/c 
   To, Capital A/c (Profit  on  realisation  transferred to  Capital  Account)

 14. For  loss  on  realisation

Capital A/c 
   To, Realisation A/c (Loss  on  realisation  transferred to  Capital  Account)

 15. For  accumulated  profits / reserves

Reserves A/c 
Profit and Loss A/c
   To, Realisation A/c (Undrawn profits  transferred to  Capital  Account)

16. For  accumulated  losses 

Capital A/c 
   To, Profit and Loss A/c (if any) (Accumulated losses transferred to  Capital  A/c))

 17. For settlement of purchase consideration by the New firm

Capital in New Firm A/c 
   To, Realisation A/c (Settlement  of  purchase  consideration)

18. For  final  adjustment

Capital A/c 
   To,  Capital in New Firm A/c 
   To, Bank A/c (if any) (Settlement  of  purchase  consideration) 

Accounting Entries in the Books of the New Firm

The new firm records all the assets and liabilities at the values it has decided to take over. If the purchase consideration  payable  is,  more  than  the  net  assets (assets  minus  liabilities)  acquired,  it  represents goodwill.  Conversely,  if  the purchase  consideration  payable  is  less  than  the  net  assets  acquired, it represents capital reserve.

 1. If the  net  acquired assets is equal  to  purchase consideration.

Assets A/c [Acquired  value]
   To,  Liabilities A/c [Assumed  value]
   To, Partners’  Capital A/c [Purchase   consideration]

 2. If the  net  acquired asset is more than  the  purchase consideration:

Assets A/c [Acquired  value]
   To,  Liabilities A/c [Assumed  value]
   To, Partners’  Capital A/c [Purchase   consideration]
   To, Capital  Reserve A/c [Purchase  consideration  -  net  assets]

 3. If the net acquired asset is less than the amount of purchase consideration, it represents goodwill.

Assets A/c [Acquired  value]
Goodwill A/c [Purchase  consideration  -  net  assets]
   To,  Liabilities A/c [Assumed  value]
   To, Partners’  Capital A/c [Purchase   consideration]

 Illustration 39

A and B carry on independent business and their position on 31.03.20X1 are reflected in the Balance Sheet given below:

Liabilities A B Assets A B
Sundry creditors for purchases 1,10,000 47,000 Stock-in-trade 1,70,000 98,000
Sundry creditors for expenses 750 2,000 Sundry Debtors 89,000 37,000
Bills payable 12,500 - Cash at bank 13,000 7,500
Capital A/c 1,53,000 95,500 Cash in hand 987 234
      Furniture and Fixtures 2,750 1,766
      Investments 513 -
  2,76,250 1,44,500   2,76,250 1,44,500

Both of them want to form a partnership firm from 1.4.20X1 in the style of AB & Co. on the following terms:

(a) The capital of the partnership firm would be ₹ 3,00,000 and to be contributed by them in the ratio of 2:1.

(b) The assets of the individual businesses would be evaluated by C at which values, the firm will take them over and the value would be adjusted against the contribution due by A and B.

(c) C gave his valuation report as follows :

Assets of A : Stock-in trade to be written-down by 15% and a portion of the sundry debtors amounting to ₹ 9,000 estimated unrealisable; furniture and fixtures to be valued at ₹ 2,000 and investments to be taken at market value of ₹ 1,000.

Assets of B : Stocks to be written-up by 10% and sundry debtors to be admitted at 85% of their value; rest of the assets to be assumed at their book values.

(d) The firm is not to consider any creditors other than the dues on account of purchases made.

You are required to pass necessary Journal entries in the books of A and B. Also prepare the opening Balance Sheet of the firm as on 1.4.20X1.


In the books of A

Date Particulars   Amount (₹) Amount (₹)
2022 Apr.1 Realisation A/c Dr. 2,76,250  
     To Stock-in-trade A/c     1,70,000
     To Sundry Debtors A/c     89,000
     To Cash at bank A/c     13,000
     To Cash in hand A/c     987
     To Furniture & Fixture A/c     2,750
     To Investments A/c     513
  (Transfer of different Assers to Realisation A/c)      
  Creditors for Goods A/c Dr. 1,10,000  
  Creditors for Expenses A/c Dr. 750  
  Bills Payable A/c Dr. 12,500  
  To Realisation A/c     1,23,500
  (Transfer of different liabilities to Realisation A/c)      
  AB & Co. A/c (Note 1) Dr. 1,18,987  
     To Realisation A/c     1,18,987
  (Purchase consideration due)      
  Capital A/c Dr. 34,013  
     To Realisation A/c     34,013
  (Realisation loss transferred to Capital A/c)      
  Capital in AB & Co. A/c Dr. 1,18,987  
     To AB & Co. A/c     1,18,987
  (Settlement of purchase consideration)      
  Capital A/c Dr. 1,18,987  
     To Capital in AB & Co. A/c     1,18,987
  (Final adjustment to close the books of account)      

In the books of B


Date Particulars   Amount(₹) Amount(₹)
2022 Apr. 1 Realisation A/c Dr. 1,44,500  
     To Stock-in-trade A/c     98,000
     To Sundry Debtors A/c     37,000
     To Cash at bank A/c     7,500
     To Cash in hand A/c     234
     To Furniture & Fixture A/c     1,766
  (Transfer of different Assers to Realisation A/c)      
  Creditors for Goods A/c Dr. 47,000  
  Creditors for Expenses A/c Dr. 2,000 49,000
     To Realisation A/c      
  (Transfer of different liabilities to Realisation A/c)      
  AB & Co. A/c Dr. 1,01,750  
  To Realisation A/c     1,01,750
  (Purchase consideration due )      
  Realisation A/c Dr. 6,250  
     To Capital A/c     6,250
  (Realisation Profit transferred to Capital A/c)      
  Capital in AB & Co. A/c Dr. 1,01,750  
     To AB & Co. A/c     1,01,750
  (Settlement of purchase consideration)      
  Capital A/c Dr. 1,01,750  
     To Capital in AB & Co. A/c     1,01,750
  (Final adjustment to close the books of account)      

Balance Sheet of AB & Co. as on 01.04.20X1

Liabilities Amount Assets Amount
Capital Accounts :   Furniture & Fittings 3,766
A 2,00,000 Investments 1,000
B 1,00,000 Stock-in-trade 2,52,300
Sundry creditors for purchases 1,57,000 Sundry Debtors 1,11,450
Bills payable 12,500 Cash at bank (13,000 + 7,500 + 81,013 - 1,750) 99,763
     Cash in hand (987 + 234) 1,221
  4,69,500   4,69,500

Working :

(1) Calculation of purchase consideration :

Particulars A (₹) B (₹)
Furniture 2,000 1,776
Investments 1,000 -
Stock-in-trade 1,44,500 1,07,800
Sundry Debtors 80,000 31,450
Cash at bank 13,000 7,500
Cash in hand 987 234
  2,41,487 1,48,750
Less : Sundry creditors for purchases 1,10,000 47,000
Bills payable (Assumed arising out of credit purchases) 12,500 -
Net assets taken over by the AB & Co. 1,18,987 1,01,750
Capital as per agreement 2,00,000 1,00,000
Less: Net assets taken over 1,18,987(+) 1,01,750(-)
Cash to be introduced (+) / withdrawn (-) 81,013 1,750

Amalgamation, Conversion, Sale of Partnership Firm - 4

(B) When an existing partnership firm absorbs a sole proprietorship

When a sole proprietorship is taken over by an existing firm, the original business of the sole proprietor is  dissolved and compensated by  a  share of  the  partnership  firm which is  acquiring  it.  In  this  case, assets and liabilities of the sole proprietorship business are taken over by the partnership firm at agreed values. The procedures for closing the books of account of the sole proprietorship are same as explained earlier.

However, the following points are to be noted:

  1. The assets and liabilities of the sole proprietorship taken over by the existing firm, are added with the existing  assets and liabilities  of the  firm.
  2. The capital of the new partner (the sole proprietorship) is equal to the purchase consideration agreed  upon.
  3. Calculation and treatment for goodwill and Capital reserve are same as explained   in situation (A).
  4. Before amalgamation, all the assets and liabilities of the firm may be revalued. Any profit or loss on revaluation  is  transferred to  the  Partners’ Capital  Accounts in  the  old profit-sharing  ratio.
  5. Goodwill of the firm is to be adjusted by crediting the Partners’ Capital Accounts in their old profit-sharing ratio.
  6. Balance of reserve and surplus of the firm is also to be credited to partners’ Capital Accounts in the  old  profit-sharing  ratio 

 Illustration 40

Following are the Balance Sheets of partners X and Y (sharing profits and losses in the ratio of their capital) and the sole proprietor Z as on 31.03.20X1 :

Liabilities Partners X & Y Sole Proprietor Z Assets Partners X & Y Sole Proprietor Z
Capital X Y Z 15,000 - Goodwill - 2,000
Creditors 5,000 - Building 25,000 -
Loan - 10,000 Stock 10,000 15,000
  26,000 13,000 Bills receivable 5,000 5,000
  - 5,000 Debtors 4,000 6,000
      Cash in Hand 2,000 -
  46,000 28,000   46,000 28,000

The partners decided to admit Z as a partner and Z agreed to amalgamate his business with that of the partnership on the following terms :

1. The new profit-sharing ratio among X, Y, and Z will be in the ratio of their capitals.

2. The building is to be appreciated by Rs. 15,000 and provision @ 5 % is to be created on debtors.

3. The goodwill of the partnership is valued at Rs. 10,000 and of the sole proprietor at Rs. 1,500; both are to be recorded in the books.

4. Stock is to be taken at Rs. 9,200 and Rs. 16,800, respectively of the firm and the sole proprietor.

Prepare ledger accounts to close the books of Z, to make necessary Journal entries in the books of the firm and prepare the Balance Sheet of the re-constituted partnership.


Working Note : Calculation of purchase consideration

Assets taken over :
Goodwill 1,500  
Stock 16,800  
Bills receivable 5,000  
Debtors 6,000 29,300
Less: Liabillties taken over:    
Creditors 13,000  
Loan 5,000  
Provision for bad debts 300 18,300
Purchase consideration   11,000

In the books of Z

 Realization Account

Date Particulars Amount (₹) Date Particulars Amount (₹)
  To Goodwill A/c 2,000   By Creditors A/c 13,000
  To Stock A/c 15,000   By Loan A/c 5,000
  To Bills receivable A/c 5,000   By Partners X & Y A/c 11,000
  To Debtors A/c 6,000      
  To Capital A/c - Profit 1,000      
    29,000     29,000

Capital Account

Date Particulars Amount (₹) Date Particulars Amount (₹)
  To Partners X & Y A/c 11,000   By Balance b/d 10,000
        By Realisation A/c 1,000
    11,000     11,000

Partners X & Y Account

Date Particulars Amount (₹) Date Particulars Amount (₹)
  To Realisation A/c 11,000   By Capital A/c 11,000
    11,000     11,000

In the Books of X & Y Journals

Date Particulars   L.F Amount Amount
  Building A/c DR.   15,000  
  To Revaluation A/c       15,000
  (Increase in the Value of Building)Revaluation A/c        
  Revaluation A/c Dr.   1,000  
  To Stock A/c       800
  To Provision for Bad Debt A/c       200
  (Decrease in the value of assets)        
  Revaluation A/c Dr.   14,000  
  To X Capital A/c       10,500
  To Y Capital A/       3,500
  (Profit on revaluation transferred)        
  Goodwill A/c Dr.   10,000  
  To X Capital A/c       7,500
  To Y Capital A/c       2,500
  (Goodwill raised in the books)        
  Goodwill A/c Dr.   1,500  
  Stock A/c Dr.   16,800  
  Bills Receivable A/c Dr.   5,000  
  Debtors A/c Dr.   6,000  
  To Loan A/c       5,000
  To Creditors A/c       13,000
  To Provision for Bad Debt A/c       300
  To Z Capital A/c       11,000
  (Assets and liabilities taken over)        

Balance Sheet of X, Y & Z (after absorption) as at 01.04. X1

Liabilities Amount Assets Amount Amount
Capital Account   Goodwill   11,500
-X 33,000 Building   40,000
-Y 11,000 Stock   26,000
-Z 11,000 Bills Receivable   10,000
Loan 5,000 Debtors 10,000  
Crditors 39,000 Less: Provision 500 9,500
    Cash in hand   2,000
  99,000     99,000

Amalgamation, Conversion, Sale of Partnership Firm - 4

(C) When one firm takes over another firm

In this case, the procedures for closing of books are same as earlier. The assets of the absorbed firm added with the firm who absorbed the firm.

The treatment for capital reserve and goodwill are same as before.

Illustration 41

Following is the Balance sheet of AB & Co. and CD & Co. as on 31.03.20X1.

Liabilities AB
Assets AB
Bank Loan 10,000 - Stock-in-trade 32,000 24,000
Bills Payable 30,000 40,000 Sundry Debtors 18,000 30,000
Capital A 60,000 - Machinery 60,000 20,000
Capital B 30,000 - Cash in hand 12,000 2,000
Capital C   36,000 Furniture 8,000 6,000
Capital D   24,000 Investments - 18,000
  130,000 100,000   130,000 100,000

AB & Co. absorbed CD & Co. on 01.04.20X1 on the following terms:

(a) that the value of the goodwill of CD & Co. would be ₹ 12,000;

(b) that the investments of CD & Co. to be sold out for ₹ 24,000 and the realised cash will be introduced in the acquiring business;

(c) that the stock of CD & Co. to be reduced to ₹ 22,000;

(d) that the machinery of CD & Co. will be increased by 40%;

(e) that the Furniture of CD & Co. will be reduced by 10%.

It was further agreed that for AB & Co., following are the adjustments to be made :

(i) Assets are to be revalued as follows :

Goodwill- ₹ 16,000; Stock - ₹ 40,000; Machinery - ₹ 84,000; Furniture - ₹ 7,200;

(ii) Bank loan to be repaid

Show necessary Ledger Accounts to close the books of CD & Co. and to prepare necessary Journal entry and Balance Sheet of AB & Co. after absorption.


Workings :

Calculation of purchase consideration

Assets taken over :
Machinery 28,000
Furniture 5,400
Stock 22,000
Debtors 30,000
Cash (₹ 24,000 + ₹ 2,000) 26,000
Goodwill 12,000
Less : Liability taken over  
– Bills payable 40,000
Purchase consideration 83,400

In the books of CD & Co.

 Realisation Account

Dr.         Cr.
Date Particulars Amount Date Particulars Amount
  To Stock-in-trade 24,000   By Bills Payable A/c 40,000
  “ Sundry Debtors 30,000   By AB & Co A/c 83,400
  “ Machinery 20,000      
  “ Cash in hand 26,000      
  “ Furniture        
  To Partners’ Capital A/cs: 6,000      
  C - 8,700        
  D - 8,700 17,400      
    1,23,400     1,23,400

Cash Account

Dr.         Cr.
Date Particulars Amount Date Particulars Amount
  To Balance b/d 2,000   By Realisation A/c 26,000
  To Investments A/c 24,000      
    26,000     26,000

Partners’ Capital Accounts

Dr. Cr.
Date Particulars C D Date Particulars C D
  To Capital in AB & co A/c 47,700 35,700   By Balance b/d 36,000 24,000
          By Profit on Sale of Investment A/c 3,000 3,000
          By Realisation A/c 8,700 8,700
    47,700 35,700     47,700 35,700

In the books of AB & Co.

Partners’ Capital Accounts

Date Particulars A B Date Particulars A B
  To Balance c/d 83,600 53,600   By Balance b/d 60,000 30,000
          By Goodwill A/c 8,000 8,000
          By Revaluation A/c 15,600 15,600
    83,600 53,600     83,600 53,600

Balance Sheet as on 01.04.20X1

Liabilities Amount Assets Amount
Capital Accounts   Goodwill 28,000
A 83,600 Machinery 1,12,000
B 53,600 Furniture 12,600
C 47,70 Stock 62,000
D 35,700 Debtors 48,000
Bills payable 70,000 Cash (26,000 + 12,000 – 10,000) 28,000
  2,90,600   2,90,600


Date Particulars   L.F. Amount (₹) Amount (₹)
1.4.X1 Bank Loan A/c Dr.   10,000  
  To Cash A/c       10,000
  (Being the bank loan repaid)        
  Goodwill A/c Dr.   16,000  
  To A’s Capital A/c       8,000
  To B’s Capital A/c       8,000
  (Being the goodwill raised )        
  Stock A/c Dr.   8,000  
  Machinery A/c Dr.   24,000  
  To Revaluation A/c       32,000
  (Being increase in the value of assets)        
  Revaluation A/c Dr.   800  
  To Furniture A/c       800
  (Being the decrease in the value of furniture)        
  Revaluation A/c Dr.   31,200  
  To A’s Capital A/c       15,600
  To B’s Capital A/c       15,600
  (Being the profit on revaluation transferred to Partners’ Capital A/cs in the profit-sharing ratio)        
  Goodwill A/c Dr.   12,000  
  Machinery A/c Dr.   28,000  
  Furniture A/c Dr.   5,400  
  Stock A/c Dr.   22,000  
  Debtors A/c Dr.   30,000  
  Cash A/c Dr.   26,000  
  To Bills Payable A/c        
  To C ‘s Capital A/c       40,000
  To D’s Capital A/c       47,700
  (Being the introduction of capital by C & D)       35,700

(D) When two or more partnership firms form a new partnership firm

When two or more partnership firms amalgamate to form a new partnership firm, the books of account of the old firm is to be closed. In the books of each old firm, a Realisation Account to be opened. The accounting entries of the amalgamating firm is same as before as they were absorbed.

Illustration 42

Two partnership firms, carrying on business under the style of R & Co. (Partners A & B) and W & Co. (Partners C & D) respectively, decided to amalgamate into RW & Co. with effect from 1st April 20X1. The respective Balance Sheets of both the firms as on 31st March, 20X1 are in below :

Liabilities R (Rs.) W (Rs.) Assets R (Rs.) W (Rs.)
Capital B 19,000 - Goodwill - 5,000
Capital C - 10,000 Machinery 10,000 -
Capital D - 2,000 Stock-in-trade 20,000 5,000
Bank Loan 15,000 - Sundry Debtors 10,000 10,000
Creditors 10,000 9,500 Cash in hand - 1,500
      Capital - A 4,000 -
  44,000 21,500   44,000 21,500

Profit sharing ratios are : A & B = 1:2; C & D = 1:1. Agreed terms are :

1. All fixed assets are to be devalued by 20%.

2. All stock-in-trade is to be appreciated by 50%.

3. R & Co. owes Rs. 5,000 to W & Co. as on 31st March 20X1. This is settled at Rs. 2,000. Goodwill is to be ignored for the purpose of amalgamation.

4. The fixed capital accounts in the new firm (RW & Co.) are to be : Mr A Rs. 2,000; Mr. B Rs. 3,000; Mr C Rs. 1,000 and D Rs. 4,000.

5. Mr. B takes over bank overdraft of R & Co. and contributed to Mr. A the amount of money to be brought in by Mr. A to make up his capital contribution.

6. Mr C is paid off in cash from W & Co. and Mr. D brings in sufficient cash to make up his required capital contribution.

Pass necessary Journal entries to close the books of both the firms as on 31st March 20X1.


Calculation of Purchase Consideration

Assets taken over :   R & Co. W & Co.
Plant & Machinery   8,000 -
Stock-in-trade   30,000 7,500
Sundry Debtors [(* After adjustment of ₹ 3,000(₹ 5,000 – 2,000)]   10,000 *7,000
  (A) 48,000 14,500
Liability taken over:      
Sundry Creditors [(* ₹ (10,000 – 3000)] (B) *7,000 9,500
Purchase consideration (A-B) 41,000 5,000

In the books of R & Co.


        Dr. Cr.
Date Particulars   L.F Amount Amount
31.3. X1 Realisation A/c Dr.   40,000  
  To Plant and Machinery A/c       10,000
  To Stock-in-trade A/c       20,000
  To Sundry Debtors A/c       10,000
  (Different assets transferred) Dr.   10,000  
  Sundry Creditors A/c       10,000
  To Realisation A/c        
  (Sundry creditors transferred to Realisation Account)        
  Bank Loan A/c Dr.   15,000  
  To B Capital A/c       15,000
  (Bank overdraft taken over by B)        
  RW & Co. A/c Dr.   41,000  
  To Realisation A/c       41,000
  (Purchase consideration due)        
  Realisation A/c Dr.   11,000  
  To A Capital A/c       11,000
  To B Capital A/c        
  (Profit on realisation transferred to partners capital in the ratio of 1:2)        
  B Capital A/c Dr.   2,333  
  To A Capital A/c       2,333
  (Deficit in A’s capital made good by B)        
  A Capital A/c Dr.   2,000  
  B Capital A/c (3,000 + 36,000) Dr.   39,000  
  To RW & Co. A/c       41,000
  (Capital accounts of the partners closed by transfer to RW & Co.)        
  Alternatively Shows:        
  A Capital A/c Dr.   2,000  
  B Capital A/c Dr.   3,000  
  Loan from B A/c Dr.   36,000  
  To RW & Co. A/c       41,000

Note : It should be noted that the credit balance in B’s capital account is ₹ 39,000. His agreed capital in RW & Co is ₹ 3,000 only. Since there is no liquid assets in R & Co. from which B can be repaid, the excess amount of ₹ 36,000 should be taken over by RW & Co. as loan from B.

In the books of W & Co.


Date Particulars   L.F. Amount Amount
31.3.X1 Realisalion A/c Dr.   20,000  
  To Goodwill A/c       5,000
  To Stock-in-trade A/c       5,000
  To Sundry Debtors A/c       10,000
  (Different Assets transferred)        
  Sundry Creditors A/c Dr.   9,500  
  To Realisation A/c       9,500
  (Sundry creditors transferred)        
  RW & Co. A/c Dr.   5,000  
  To Realisation A/c       5,000
  (Purchase consideration due)        
  C’s Capital A/c Dr.   2,750  
  D’s Capital A/c Dr.   2,750  
  To Realisation A/c       5,500
  (Loss on realisation transferred to Capital Account equally)        
  Cash A/c Dr.   4,750  
  To D’s Capital A/c       4,750
  (Being the necessary amount brought in by D to make up his required capital contribution)        
  C’s Capital A/c Dr.   7,250  
  D’s Capital A/c Dr.   4,000  
  To RW & Co. A/c       5,000
  To Cash A/c       6,250
  (Capital accounts of the partners closed by transfer to RW & Co. and balance paid by cash)        
  Alternatively Shows:        
  C’s Capital A/c Dr.   6,250  
  To Cash A/c       6,250
  (Being the C's Capital is paid off)        
  C’s Capital A/c Dr.   1,000  
  D’s Capital A/c Dr.   4,000  
  To RW & Co. A/c       5,000
  (Being the Partner's Capital transferred to RW & Co.)        

Realization Account

Dr.         Cr.
Particulars R & Co. W & Co. Particulars R & Co. W & Co.
To Goodwill - 5,000 By Creditors 10,000 9,500
“ Machinery 10,000 - By RW & Co. 41,000 5,000
“ Stock-in-trade 20,000 5,000 By C’s Capital   2,750
“ Sundry Debtors 10,000 10,000 By D’s Capital   2,750
“ Cash in hand -        
“ A’s Capital 3,667        
“ B’s Capital 7,333        
  51,000 20,000   51,000 20,000

Partners’ Capital Accounts of R & Co.

Dr.             Cr. 
Date Particulars A (₹) B (₹) Date Particulars A (₹) B (₹)
20X1       20X1      
Mar X1 To Balance b/d 4,000 - Mar 31 By Balance b/d - 19,000
  ₹₹ A Capital A/c - 2,333   ₹₹ Realisation A/c (Profit) 3,667 7,333
  ₹₹ Loan A/c - 36,000   ₹₹ Bank overdraft A/c - 15,000
  ₹₹ R W & Co. A/c 2,000 3,000   ₹₹ B’s Capital A/c 2,333 -
    6,000 41,333     6,000 41,333

Partners’ Capital Accounts of W & Co.

Dr.             Cr. 
Date Particulars C (₹) D (₹) Date Particulars C (₹) D (₹)
20X1       20X1      
Mar X1 To Realisation A/c (Loss) 2,750 2,750 Mar 31 By Balance b/d 10,000 2,000
  `` Cash A/c 6,250 -   `` Cash A/c - 4,750
  `` R W & Co. A/c 1,000 4,000        
    10,000 6,750     10,000 6,750

Amalgamation, Conversion, Sale of Partnership Firm - 4

Illustration 43

A and B carry on independent business in provisions and their position as at 31.3.2022 are reflected in the Balance Sheets given below:

  A (₹) B (₹) 
Stock in Trade  1,70,000 98,000
Sundry Debtors 89,000 37,000
Cash at Bank 13,000 7,500
Cash in hand 987 234
Furniture and Fixtures 2,750 1,766
Investments 513 -
  2,76,250 1,44,500
Represented by Sundry Creditors for     
Purchases 1,10,000 47,000
Expenses 13,250 2,000
Capital Account  1,53,000 95.500
  2,76,250 1,44.500

Both of them want to. form a partnership firm from 1st April, 2022 on the following understanding:

(a) The capital of the partnership would,be ₹3 lakhs which would be contributed by them in the ratio of 2 :1.

(b) The assets of the individual business would be evaluated by C at which values, the firm will take them over and the value would be adjusted against the contribution due by A and B.

(c) C gave his valuation report as follows:

Business of A: Stock in Trade to be written down by 15% and a portion of Sundry Debtors amounting to ₹9,000 estimated unrealisable not to be assumed by the firm; furniture and fixtures to be valued at ₹2,000 and investments to be taken of market value of 1,000. Assets of B: Stocks to be increased by 10%, and Sundry

Debtors to be admitted at 85% of their value; rest of the assets to be assumed at their book value.

(d) The firm is not to assume any Creditors other than the dues on account of purchases made.

Prepare the opening Balance Sheet of the firm. 


Calculation Net Assets taken over

  A (₹)  B (₹)
Investments 1,000 -
Sundry debtors 80,000 31,450
Furniture & fixtures  2,000 1,766
Stock in trade 1,44,500 1,07,800
Cash in hand 987 234
Cash at bank 13,000     7,500     
  2,41,487 1,48,750
Less:  Sundry Trade Creditors 1,10,000   47,000   
  1,31,487 1,01,750
Add: Additional Cash bought is by A 68,513 -
Less: Excess Amount transferred to Current A/c.  -              1,750     
  2,00,000 1,00,000

M/s A & B 

Balance Sheet as at 01.04.2022 

Liabilities (₹) (₹) Assets (₹) (₹)
Capital      Furniture and Fixtures   3,766
A 2,00,000   Investments   1,000
B 1,00,000 3,00,000 Sundry Debtors   1,11,450
Sundry Creditors   1,57,000 Stock in Trade   2,52,300
B’s Current A/c   1,750 Cash in hand    1 ,221 
      Cash at Bank   89,013
    4,58,750     4,58,750

Amalgamation, Conversion, Sale of Partnership Firm - 4

Conversion of Partnership Firm into a Company and Sale of Partnership Firm to a Company

For  various  reasons,  an  existing  partnership  may  sell  its  entire  business  to  an  existing  Joint  Stock Company. It can also convert itself into a Joint Stock Company. The former case is the absorption of a partnership firm by a Joint Stock Company but the latter case is the flotation of a new company to take over the  business of the  partnership.

In either of the above cases, the existing partnership firm is dissolved and all the books of account are closed. Broadly, the procedure of liquidation of the partnership business is same as what has already been  explained  in  “Amalgamation  of  Partnership”

Some  important  points :

(1) The Purchase Consideration is satisfied by the Company either in the form of cash or shares or debentures or a  combination of two  or more of these.  The shares may be  equity  or preference  shares.  The  shares  may  be  issued  at  par,  at  a  premium  or  at  a  discount.  For  the partnership,  the  issue price is relevant  which may form a  part  of the  purchase consideration.

(2) In the absence of any agreement, share received from purchasing company should be distributed among the partners in the same ratio as profits and losses are shared.

Accounting Entries in the books of selling firms.

1. For  transferring  different  assets  to  Realisation Account

Realisation  A/c 
   To, Sundry Assets A/c  (Assets transferred to  Realisation Account at  their  book values)

2. For  transferring  different liabilities  to  Realisation  Account 

Liabilities A/c 
   To, Realisation A/c (Liabilities transferred to Realisation Account at their book values)

3. For purchase consideration  due

New Firm A/c 
   To, Realisation A/c (Purchase consideration due from the new firm)

4. For assets taken over by the proprietor

Capital A/c 
   To, Realisation A/c (Assets taken over by the proprietor)

5. For realisation of assets not taken over by the Company

   To, Realisation A/c  (Realisation of assets not taken over by the new firm)

6. For recording unrecorded assets

   To, CapitalA/c (Unrecorded  assets recorded)

7. For realisation of unrecorded assets

Bank A/c 
   To, Assets A/c (Realisation  of  unrecorded  assets)

8. For payment of liabilities not taken over

Realisation A/c 
   To, Bank A/c (Payment of liabilities not taken overby the new firm)

9. For  recording of unrecorded  liabilities

Capital A/c 
   To, Liabilities A/c (Being  the  unrecorded liabilities are recorded)

10. For  payment  of  unrecorded liabilities

Liabilities A/c 
   To, Bank A/c  (Payment  of  unrecorded liabilities)

(Note: If unrecorded liabilities are taken over by the Company, it is also transferred to Realisation Account along with other liabilities.)

11. For liabilities taken over by the proprietor

Realisation A/c 
   To, Capital A/c  (Being  liabilities  assumed by the proprietor

 12. For  realisation  expenses

Realisation A/c 
   To, Bank A/c (Realisation  expenses  paid)

 13. For  profit  on realisation

Realisation A/c 
   To, Capital A/c (Profit  on  realisation  transferred to  Capital  Account)

 14. For  loss  on  realisation

Capital A/c 
   To, Realisation A/c (Loss  on  realisation  transferred to  Capital  Account)

 15. For  accumulated  profits / reserves

Reserves A/c 
Profit and Loss A/c
   To, Capital A/c (Undrawn profits  transferred to  Capital  Account)

16. For Loss : Reverse entry of 15.

17.  For transferring  partners’ current  accounts  (Credit  balances) to  capital  accounts

Partners’  Current  A/cs  
   To,  Partners’  Capital A/cs (If there is a debit balance in current account, the reverse entry shall be  recorded.)

 18. For settlement of purchase consideration by the company

Shares  in  Purchasing  Co. 
Debentures  in  Purchasing  Co.
Cash  A/c
   To, Purchasing Co. A/c 

19. For  final  adjustment

Partners’ Capital A/c 
   To,  Shares  in  Purchasing Co. A/c 
   To, Debenture  in  Purchasing Co. A/c 
   To,  Cash A/c

Amalgamation, Conversion, Sale of Partnership Firm - 4

Accounting Entries in the books of the Purchasing Company

The  purchasing  company  will  record  all  the  assets  and  liabilities  at  agreed  values.  Calculation  of Goodwill and  Capital  Reserve  same  as  explained  earlier.

1. For assets and liabilities taken over (When net assets taken over  is  less than the Purchase consideration)

Assets A/c (Agreed Value) 
Goodwill A/c (Balancing  figure)
   To, Liabilities A/c (Agreed Value) 
   To, Firm A/c [Purchase consideration] (Being  different  assets and liabilities  taken  over)

(When net assets taken over  is  more  than the Purchase consideration)

Assets A/c (Agreed Value) 
   To, Liabilities A/c (Agreed Value) 
   To, Firm A/c [Purchase consideration]
   To, Capital  Reserve A/c [Purchase  consideration  -  net  assets] (Balancing  Figure)
(Being  different  assets and liabilities  taken  over)

 2. For  discharge  of  Purchase  Consideration

Firm A/c (Purchase   Consideration)
   To,  Share  Capital  (Face  value of  shares issued) 
   To, Securities Premium A/c (if any)
   To, Debentures A/c
   To,  Bank A/c 

 Illustration 44

X and Y were in partnership in XY & Co. sharing profits in the proportions 3:2. On 31st March 20X1, they accepted an offer from P. Ltd. to acquire at that date their fixed assets and stock at an agreed price of ₹ 7,20,000. Debtors, creditors and bank overdraft would be collected and discharged by the partnership firm.

The purchase consideration of ₹ 7,20,000 consisted of cash ₹ 3,60,000, debentures in P Ltd. (at par) ₹ 1,80,000 and 12,000 Equity Shares of ₹ 10 each in P. Ltd. X will be employed in P. Ltd. but, since Y was retiring X agreed to allow him ₹ 30,000 in compensation, to be adjusted through their Capital Accounts. Y was to receive 1,800 shares in P. Ltd. and the balance due to him in cash. The Balance Sheet of the firm as on 31.03.20X1 is in below :

Liabilities Amount Assets Amount
X’s Capital Account 1,20,000 Fixed Assets 4,80,000
Loan from X 2,10,000 Stock 45,000
Bank overdraft 1,50,000 Debtors 75,000
Creditors 1,80,000 Y’s Capital Account 60,000
  6,60,000   6,60,000

The sale of the assets to P. Ltd. took place as agreed; the debtors realised ₹ 60,000 and creditors were settled for ₹ 1,71,000. The firm then ceased business. You are required to pass necessary Journal entries and show: (a) Realisation Account (b) Bank Account (c) Partners’ Capital Accounts.


In the books of XY & Co.


Date Particulars   L.F. Amount Amount
31.3. X1 Realisalion A/c Dr.   6,00,000  
      To Fixed Assets A/c       4,80,000
      To Stock-in-trade A/c       45,000
      To Sundry Debtors A/c       75,000
  (Different Assets transferred)        
  Creditors A/c Dr.   1,80,000  
      To Realisation A/c       1,80,000
  (Sundry creditors transferred)        
  P. Ltd A/c Dr.   7,20,000  
      To Realisation A/c       7,20,000
  (Purchase consideration due)        
  Bank A/c Dr.   3,60,000  
  Debentures in P Ltd. Dr.   1,80,000  
  Shares in P Ltd Dr.   1,80,000  
      To P. Ltd A/c       7,20,000
  (Purchase consideration Received)        
  Bank A/c Dr.   60,000  
  To Realisation A/c       60,000
  (Debtors realized)        
  Realisation A/c Dr.   1,71,000  
     To Bank A/c       1,71,000
  (Payment to Creditors)        
  Realisation A/c Dr.   1,89,000  
      To X Capital A/c       1,13,400
      To Y Capital A/c       75,600
  (Profit on realisation transferred to Capital Account)        
  Loan from X Dr.   2,10,000  
      To X Capital       2,10,000
  (Loan Balance transferred)        
  X Capital A/c Dr.   30,000  
      To Y Capital A/c       30,000
  (Adjustment for compensation)        
  X Capital A/c Dr.   4,13,400  
      To Share in P Ltd       1,53,000
      To Debenture in P Ltd. To Bank A/c       1,80,000
  (Final settlement of accounts of X)       80,400
  Y Capital A/c Dr.   45,600  
      To Shares in P Ltd.       27,000
      To Bank       18,600
  (Final settlement of accounts of Y)        

Realisation Account

Dr.     Cr.
Particulars Amount Particulars Amount
To Fixed Assets A/c 4,80,000 By Creditors A/c 1,80,000
To Stock A/c 45,000 By Bank A/c (Debtors realised) 60,000
To Debtors A/c 75,000 By P Ltd A/c (Purch. Consid.)  
To Bank A/c (creditor's payment) To 1,71,000 Bank 3,60,000
To  X’s Capital A/c (profit) 1,13,400 Debentures in P Ltd 1,80,000
To Y’s Capital A/c (profit) 75,600 Shares in P Ltd. 1,80,000
  9,60,000   9,60,000

Bank Account

Dr.     Cr.
Particulars Amount Particulars Amount
To Realisation A/c (Debtors realised) 60,000 By Balance b/d 1,50,000
To S Ltd. A/c (Purchase Consideration) 3,60,000 By Realisation A/c 1,71,000
    By Capital A/c - X 80,400
    By Capital A/c - Y 18,600
  4,20,000   4,20,000

Partners’ Capital Accounts

Date Particulars X Y Date Particulars X Y
  To Balance b/d - 60,000   By Balance b/d 1,20,000 -
  To Y Capital A/c 30,000     By Loan from X 2,10,000 -
  To Shares in P Ltd 1,53,000 27,000   By Realisation A/c (profit) 1,X1,400 75,600
  To Debentures in P Ltd A/c 1,80,000 -   By X ‘s Capital A/c - 30,000
  To Bank A/c (final payment) 80,400 18,600        
    4,43,400 1,05,600     4,43,400 1,05,600

Note :

Value of equity shares  
Total Purchase consideration   7,20,000
Discharged: 3,60,000  
In Cash 1,80,000 5,40,000
By Debentures   1,80,000
Balance by 12,000 Equity shares of ₹ 10 per each    
So the cost of each equity share be ₹ 1,80,000/12,000 = ₹ 15 per share.    
Thus in the books of P Ltd. Security premium will be ₹ 12,000 × 5 = ₹ 60,000    

Amalgamation, Conversion, Sale of Partnership Firm - 4

 Illustration 45

Suchandra, Ashmita and Kasturi were running partnership business sharing Profit and Losses in 2:2:1 ratio. Their Balance Sheet as on 31.03.20X1 stood as following:


Liabilities  (₹) (₹) Assets (₹) (₹)
Fixed Capital     Fixed Assets   920.00
Suchandra 690.00   Investment   115.00
Ashmita 460.00   Current Assets:    
Ashmita 230.00 1,380.00 Stock 230.00  
Current Account:     Debtors 632.50  
Suchandra 138.00   Cash in Bank  287.50 1,150.00
Kasturi 92.00 230.00      
Unsecured Loan    230.00      
Current Liabilities   345.00      
    2,185.00     2,185.00

On 1.4.20X1, they agreed to form new company TT (P). Ltd. with Ashmita and Kasturi each taking up 460 eq. share of ₹10 each, which shall take over the firm as going concern including Goodwill, but excluding cash and bank balance.

The following are also agreed upon:

(a) Goodwill will be valued at 3 years purchase of super profit.

(b) The actual profit for the purpose of Goodwill valuation will be ₹ 4,60,000.

(c) The normal rate of return will be 18% p.a. on Fixed Capital.

(d) All other assets and liabilities will be taken at Book value.

(e) Ashmita and Kasturi are to acquire interest in the new company at the ratio 3:2.

(f) The purchase consideration will be payable partly in shares of ₹10 each and partly in cash. Payment in cash being to meet the requirement to discharge Suchandra, who has agreed to retire.

(g) Realisation expenses amounted to ₹ 1,17,300.

You are required to close the books of the firm by passing necessary journal entries. 


  Particulars   Dr. (₹) Cr. (₹) 
(a) Realization A/c Dr. 26,49,600  
      To, Fixed Assets A/c     9,20,000
      To, Investment A/c     1,15,000
      To, Stock A/c     2,30,000
      To, Sundry Debtors A/c     6,32,500
      To, Goodwill N     6,34,800
      To, Bank A/c (Realization Expenses)     1,17,300
  (Being transfer of Assets To, Realization A/c)      
(b) Unsecured loan A/c  Dr. 2,30,000  
  Current liabilities A/c  Dr. 3,45,000  
      To, Realisation A/c     5,75,000
  (Being transfer of liabilities To, Realization A/c)      
(c) Suchandra’s Capital A/c Dr. 46,920  
  Ashmita’s Capital A/c  Dr. 46,920  
  Kasturi’s Capital A/c  Dr. 23,460  
      To, Realisation A/c     1,17,300
  (Being transfer of realization losses To, partner’s Capital A/c)      
(d) TT (P) Ltd. A/c__________W.N.(3) Dr.  19,57,300  
      To, Realisation A/c     19,57,300
  (Being purchase consideration due)      
(e) Goodwill A/c__________W.N.(2) Dr.  6,34,800  
      To, Suchandra’s Capital A/c     2,53,920
      To, Ashmita’s Capital A/c     2,53,920
      To, Kasturi’s Capital No      1,26,960
  (Being transfer of goodwill To, parties Capital A/c)      
(f) Suchandra’s Current A/c Dr. 1,38,000  
  Kasturi’s Current A/c  Dr. 92,000  
      To, Suchandra’s Capital A/c     1,38,000
      To, Kasturi’s Capital A/c     92,000
  (Being transfer of Current A/c balances To, Capital A/c)      
(g) Suchandra’s Capital A/c Dr. 10,35,000  
      To, Bank A/c     10,35,000
  (Being amount of Capital paid To, Suchandra)      
(h) Ashmita’s Capital A/c Dr. 11,500  
      To, Kasturi’s Capital A/c     11,500
  (Being amount payable by Kasturi To, Ashmita in order To, make their claim in new company as 3:2)      
(i) Bank A/c  Dr. 8,64,800  
  Shares in TT (P) Ltd. A/c  Dr. 10,92,500  
      To, TT (P). Ltd. A/c     19,57,300
  (Being amount received, amount shares in Tata (P) Ltd. distributed for Purchase consideration)      

Working Notes:


Ashmita’s Capital A/c

Dr.     Cr.
Particulars  (₹)  Particulars (₹) 
To, Realiztion A/c 46,920 By, Balance c/d  4,60,000
To, Kasturi’s Capital 11,500 By, Goodwill A/c 2,53,920
To, Shares in TT (P) Ltd. 6,55,500    
  7,13,920   7,13,920

Kasturi’s Capital A/c

Dr.     Cr.
Particulars (₹)  Particulars (₹) 
To, Realization A/c  23,460 By, Balance c/d 2,30,000
To, Shares in TT (P) Ltd. 4,37,000 By, Goodwill A/c 1,26,960
    By, Current A/c 92,000
    By, Ashmita’s Capital A/c 11,500
  4,60,460   4,60,460

2. Calculation of goodwill.

Normal Ratio of return = 1 8% p.a. or fixed capital

= ₹ 13,80,000 × 18%

= ₹ 2,48,400

Actual Profit = ₹ 4,60,000

(-) Normal Profit = ₹ 2,48,400

Super Profit = ₹ 2,11,600 

Goodwill = ₹ 2,11,600 × 3 years of purchase of S.P.

₹ 6,34,800

Suchandra’s Share = ₹ 6,34,800 × 2/5

= ₹ 2,53,920

Ashmita’s Share = ₹ 6,34,800 × 2/5

= ₹ 2,53,920

Kasturi’s Share = ₹ 6,34,800 × 1/5

= ₹ 1,26,960

3. Computation of Purchases Consideration

Investments 1,15,000
Fixed Assets 9,20,000
Stock 2,30,000
Debtors 6,32,500
Goodwill 6,34,800
Less: Unsecured loan 2,30,000
Current liabilities  3,45,000

4. Calculation of cash required from TT (P) Ltd.

Cash required to pay to Suchandra 10,35,000
Less: Cash available after expenses (₹ 2,87,500 - ₹ 1,17,300) 1,70,200
Cash received for purchase Consideration 8,64,800

5. Shares of ₹ 10,92,500 are to be issued to Ashmita and Kasturi in the ratio of 3:2

Ashmita 10,92,500 \times \frac{2}{5} = 4,37,000

Kasluri 10,92,500 \times \frac{3}{5} = 6,55,500

Amalgamation, Conversion, Sale of Partnership Firm - 4


Numerical Questions 

CMA book unsolved questions solution

1. M/s A and Co., having A and B as equal partners, decided to amalgamate with C and Co., having C and D as equal partners on the following terms and condition:

(i) The new firm AC and Co. to pay ₹ 12,000 to each firm for Goodwill.

(ii) The new firm to take over investments at 10% depreciation, land at ₹ 66,800, premises at ₹ 53,000, machinery at ₹ 9,000 and only the trade liabilities of both the firms. The Debtors being taken over at given value.

(iii) Type writers (written off) worth ₹ 800, belonging to C & Co., and not appearing in the balance sheet was also not taken over by the new firm.

(iv) Bills Payable pertains to trade transaction only.

(v) All the four partners in the new firm to bring in ₹ 1, 60,000 as capital in equal shares.

The following were the Balance Sheets of both firms on the date of amalgamation:

Liabilities A & Co. C & Co. Assets A & Co. C & Co.
Trade Creditors 20,000 10,000 Cash 15,000 12,000
Bills Payable 5,000 - Investments 10,000 8,000
Bank Overdraft 2,000 10,000 Debtors  : ₹ 10,000    
A’s Loan Capitals :     Less : ₹ 1,000 9,000 4,000
A 6,000 - Furniture 12,000 6,000
B 35,000 - Premises 30,000 -
C 22,000 - Land - 50,000
D - 36,000 Machinery 15,000 -
General Reserve - 20,000 Goodwill (Purchased) 9,000 -
Investment Fluctuation 8,000 3,000      
  1,00,000 80,000   1,00,000 80,000

Assuming immediate discharge of bank overdraft, pass necessary Journal Entries to close the books of A & Co. and C & Co. Also pass Journal entries in the books and prepare the Balance Sheet of the New Firm.


In the books of A & Co.


Date Particulars   Dr. (₹) Cr. (₹)
  Bank Overdraft A/c Dr. 2,000  
  To Cash A/c     2,000
  (Being the payment of overdraft.)      
  Realization A/c Dr. 99,000  
  To Cash A/c     13,000
  To Investment A/c     10,000
  To Debtors A/c     10,000
  To Furniture A/c     12,000
  To Premises A/c     30,000
  To Machinery A/c     15,000
  To Goodwill A/c     9,000
  (Being the transfer of different assets to Realization account)      
  Provision for Bad Debts A/c Dr. 1,000  
  Trade Creditors A/c Dr. 20,000  
  Bills Payable A/c Dr. 5,000  
  To Realisation A/c     26,000
  (Being the different liabilities and provisions transferred to Realisation Account)      
  M/s AC & Co. (new firm) A/c Dr. 80,000  
  To Realisation A/c (Note 1)     80,000
  (Being the purchase consideration due from the new firm)      
  A Capital A/c (Note 6) Dr. 6,000  
  B Capital A/c Dr. 6,000  
  To Realisation A/c     12,000
  (Being furniture taken by the partners equally)      
  General Reserve A/c Dr. 8,000  
  Investment Fluctuation Fund A/c Dr. 2,000  
  To A Capital A/c     5,000
  To B Capital A/c     5,000
  (Being the reserve and Surplus distributed between the partners equally)      
  Realisation A/c (Note 2) Dr. 19,000  
  To A Capital A/c     9,500
  To B Capital A/c     9,500
  (Being the profit on realisation transferred to the partners’ Capital Accounts equally)      
  A’s Loan A/c Dr. 6,000  
  To A Capital A/c     6,000
  (Being A’s loan transferred to his Capital Account)      
  Cash A/c Dr. 9,500  
  To B Capital A/c     9,500
  (Being cash brought in by B to raise capital equal to ₹40,000)      
  A & B Capital in M/s AC &Co A/c Dr. 80,000  
  To M/s Ac & Co A/c     80,000
  (Being the settlement of purchase consideration)      
  A Capital A/c Dr. 49,500  
  B Capital A/c Dr. 40,000  
  To A Capital in AC & Co A/c     40,000
  To B Capital in AC & Co A/c     49,000
  (Being the final adjustment to close the books of account)      

In the books of C & Company


Dr.       Cr.
Date Particulars  
  Bank Overdraft A/c Dr. 10,000  
  To Cash A/c     10,000
  (Being the payment of overdraft)      
  Office Equipment (Typewriters) A/c Dr. 800  
  To C Capital A/c     400
  To D Capital A/c     400
  (Being recording of typewriters previously written-off)      
  Realization A/c Dr. 68,800  
  To Investment A/c     8,000
  To Debtors A/c     4,000
  To Furniture A/c     6,000
  To Land A/c     50,000
  To Office Equipment A/c     800
  (Being the transfer of different assets to Realisation Account)      
  Trade Creditors A/c Dr. 10,000  
  To Realisation A/c     10,000
  (Being the liability transferred to Realisation Account)      
  M/s AC & Co. (New firm) A/c Dr. 80,000  
  To Realisation A/c (Note 1)     80,000
  (Being purchase consideration due from the new firm)      
  C Capital A/c Dr. 3,400  
  D Capital A/c Dr. 3,400  
  To Realisation A/c     6,800
  (Being furniture and typewriter taken over by the partners equally)      
  General Reserve A/c Dr. 3,000  
  Investment Fluctuation Fund A/c Dr. 1,000  
  To C Capital A/c     2,000
  To D Capiatl A/c     2,000
  (Being the reserve and surplus distributed among the partners equally)      
  Realisation A/c Dr. 28,000  
  To C Capital A/c     14,000
  To D Capiatl A/c     14,000
  (Being the profit on realization transferred to the Partner’s Capital Accounts equally)      
  Cash A/c Dr. 7,000  
  To D Capital A/c     7,000
  (Being cash brought in by D raised his capital to ₹ 40,0000)      
  C and D Capital in A & Co. A/c Dr. 80,000  
  To M/s AC & Co. A/c     80,000
  (Being the settlement of purchase consideration)      
  C Capital A/c Dr. 49,000  
  D Capital A/c Dr. 40,000  
  To C Capital in AC & Co. A/c     40,000
  To D Capital in AC & Co. A/c     40,000
  To Cash A/c     9,000
  (Being the final adjustment to close the books of account)      

In the books of AC & Co.


Dr.       Cr.
Date Particulars  
  Goodwill A/c Dr. 12,000  
  Cash A/c Dr. 13,000  
  Investment A/c Dr. 9,000  
  Debtors A/c Dr. 10,000  
  Premise A/c Dr. 53,000  
  Machinery A/c Dr. 9,000  
  To Provision for Bad Debts A/c     1,000
  To Trade Creditors A/c     20,000
  To Bills Payable A/c     5,000
  To A Capital A/c     40,000
  To B Capital A/c     40,000
  (Being the assets and liabilities taken over by the new firm)      
  Goodwill A/c Dr. 12,000  
  Investment A/c Dr. 7,200  
  Debtors A/c Dr. 4,000  
  Land A/c Dr. 66,800  
  To Trade Creditors A/c     10,000
  To C Capital A/c     40,000
  To D Capital A/c     40,000
  (Being the assets and liabilities taken over by the new firm)      

Balance Sheet of AC & Co. as at…….

Liabilities Assets
Partner’s Capitals:   Goodwill 24,000
A 40,000 Land Premise 66,800
B 40,000 Machinery 53,000
C 40,000 Investments 9,000
D 40,000 Debtors 16,200
Creditors 30,000 Less: Provision (14,000 - 1,000) 13,000
Bills Payable 5,000 cash 13,000
  1,95,000   1,95,000

Working Notes:

(1) Calculation of Purchase Consideration

Assets taken over: A & Co. C & Co.
Cash (see tutorial note below) 13,000 -
Investment 9,000 7,200
Debtors 9,000 4,000
Premises 53,000 -
Machinery 9,000 -
Land - 66,800
Goodwill 12,000 12,000
  1,05,000 90,000
Liabilities taken over:    
Trade Creditors 20,000 10,000
Bills Payable 5,000 -
  25,000 10,000
Purchase Consideration 80,000 80,000

2. Amar, Akbar and Anthony are equal partners of M/S. Andal & Co. The Balance Sheet of the firm as on 31.12.2022 was as follows: 

Liabilities (₹) (₹) Assets (₹) (₹)
Capital Account:      Fixed Assets:    
Ram 50,000   Land 50,000  
Manas 1,00,000   Building 70,000  
Param (30,000) 1,20,000 Plant & Machinery 2,00,000 3,20,000
Loan from bank   5,00,000 Current Assets:     
Creditors   1,00,000 Stock 3,00,000  
      Debtors 1,00,000 4,00,000
    7,20,000     7,20,000

On the date, it is decided to convert the partnership into limited company called Pandal limited on the following items:

a. Land to be revalued at ₹ 1,50,000

b. Plant and machinery is to be revalued at ₹ 2,50,000.

c. Depreciation amounting ₹ 20000 is to be written off on building.

d. A provision of 10% books valued to be mate of obsolete stock.

e. Provision of doubtful debts made at 10% of debtors.

f. A discount of 6% would be earned on creditors when paid out.

g. The new company issue ₹ 12,000 equity shares 10 each credited as full paid up, such share capital being valued at ₹ 1,50,000 and the balance payable is to be discharge by issue of 10% debentures of  ₹ 100 each.

Show the necessary ledger accounts to close the books of Andal & Co. and show the opening balance sheet of the new company. All partners are solvent and have sufficient cash resource as may be necessary to settle the respective accounts, Shares and debentures are divided equal among the partner.


In the books of Andal & Co

Realisation Account

Dr.     Cr.
Particulars Particulars
To Land A/c 50,000 By loan from bank A/c, 5,00,000
To Building A/c 70,000 By creditors A/c, 1,00,000
To Plant and machinery A/c 2,00,000 By new company A/c, (purchase confederation) 2,16,000
To Stock A/c 3,00,000    
To Debtors A/c 1,00,000    
To Partners’ Capital A/c      
Amar 32,000    
Akbar 32,000    
Anthony  32,000    
  8,16,000   8,16,000

Partners’ Capital Account

Dr.             Cr.
Particulars Amar Akbar Anthony Particulars Amar Akbar Anthony
To Balance B/d. - - 30,000 By Balance B/d 50,000 1,00,000 -
To Equity sh. In new company 50,000 50,000 50,000 By Realisation A/c (profit) 32,000 32,000 32,000
To 10% debenture in new co. 20,000 22,000 22,000 By Bank A/c (Cash brought in) - - 70,000
To Bank A/c 10,000 60,000 -        
  82,000 1,32,000 1,02,000   82,000 1,32,000 1,02,000

Bank Account

Dr.     Cr.
Particulars Particulars
To, partners’ capital A/c 70,000 By Amar A/c 10,000
    By Akbar A/c 60,000
  70,000   7,0000

Andal limited

Balance sheet as at 31st December, 20X1

Particulars Note No. Figure as at the End of the current reporting period (₹)
(1) (2) (3)
(1) Share holders’ Fund : (1)  
(a) share capital   1,20,000
(b) reserves and surplus   30,000
(c) money received against share warrants   -
(2) Share application money pending Allotment: (2)  
(3) Non-current liabilities : (3) -
(a) long term borrowings   5,66,000
(b) deferred Tax liabilities (net)   -
(c) Other long term liabilities   -
(d) long –term provisions   -
(4) Current liabilities: (4)  
(a) short term borrowings   -
(b) trade payables   9,40,000
(c) other current liabilities   -
(d) long term provisions   -
TOTAL   8,10,000
(1) Non-current assets   4,50,000
(a) fixed assets   -
(i)Tangible assets   -
(ii) Intangible assets   -
(iii)Capital working progress   -
(b) noncurrent investments   -
(c) deferred Tax assets (Net)   -
(d) long term loan and advance   -
(f) other non-current assets   -
(2) Current assets:    
(a) current investments   2,70,000
(b) inventories   90,000
(c) trade receivable   -
(d) cash and cash equivalent   -
(e) short term loan and advance   -
(f) other current assets    
TOTAL   8,10,000

Notes of accounts:

(1) Share capital (2) Reserve and Surplus
Particulars   Particulars  
Authorized share capital.   Securities premium 30,000
........EQUITY SHARE OF  ........... (4) Fixed assets  
₹.......each Issued and subscribed capital   Tangible assets 1,50,000
12000 Equity shares of ₹10 each   Land Building 50,000
(3) long-term borrowing   Building 50,000
(i) Secured loan Plant and machinery 2,50,0000
10%debentures 66,000   4,50,000
(ii) unsecured bank loans 500000    

Working notes:

(1) Calculation of Purchase Consideration

Assets take over by new company    
Land 1,50,000  
Building (₹70000-20000) 50,000  
Plant and machinery Stock 2,50,000  
Debtors(₹1,00000-10000) 2,70,000  
Liabilities taken Over by the new company 5,00,000  
Loan from bank 94,000 8,10,000
Creditors (₹ 100000-6000)   5,94,000
Total purchase considerations   2,16,000

(2) Discharge of Purchase Consideration

Equity shares (12000 of ₹10 each issued at a premium of ₹2.50 each) 150000
10% Debenture of ₹100 each (balancing figure) 66000
Ruchika Saboo An All India Ranker (AIR 7 - CA Finals, AIR 43 - CA Inter), she is one of those teachers who just loved studying as a student. Aims to bring the same drive in her students.

Ruchika Ma'am has been a meritorious student throughout her student life. She is one of those who did not study from exam point of view or out of fear but because of the fact that she JUST LOVED STUDYING. When she says - love what you study, it has a deeper meaning.

She believes - "When you study, you get wise, you obtain knowledge. A knowledge that helps you in real life, in solving problems, finding opportunities. Implement what you study". She has a huge affinity for the Law Subject in particular and always encourages student to - "STUDY FROM THE BARE ACT, MAKE YOUR OWN INTERPRETATIONS". A rare practice that you will find in her video lectures as well.

She specializes in theory subjects - Law and Auditing.

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Yashvardhan Saboo A Story teller, passionate for simplifying complexities, techie. Perfectionist by heart, he is the founder of - Konceptca.

Yash Sir (As students call him fondly) is not a teacher per se. He is a story teller who specializes in simplifying things, connecting the dots and building a story behind everything he teaches. A firm believer of Real Teaching, according to him - "Real Teaching is not teaching standard methods but giving the power to students to develop his own methods".

He cleared his CA Finals in May 2011 and has been into teaching since. He started teaching CA, CS, 11th, 12th, B.Com, M.Com students in an offline mode until 2016 when Konceptca was launched. One of the pioneers in Online Education, he believes in providing a learning experience which is NEAT, SMOOTH and AFFORDABLE.

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